What is Edcamp S.T.E.A.M?

As per their website (http://edcampsteam.org) Edcamp S.T.E.A.M. is an unconference for K-12 educators exploring the intersection of Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Math.  This amazing event consisted of various workshops full of  group discussions, demonstrations, and hands-on learning.

DIYAbility was honored to be invited to particpate in this event.  We held two workshops focusing on adapting toys for switch access in order to enable children with disabilities to operate them.  Right away everyone got to business taking apart their toys and learning how they operated.

people working at a table with soldering irons and hacking toys

Participants worked with everyday items to make their adaptive switches such as aluminum foil, as well using standard ability switches.  Everyone quickly saw the ease at which off the shelf toys can be adapted for children with disabilities and even had fun doing it.

two teachers high five each other wearing aluminum foil mittens to activate a switch

a man sitting near his soldering iron testing with modified toy.

The workshop sparked conversations amoungst the group about the applications in their technology programs with their students.  It was an amazing day with fantastic people.  We met so many wonderful educators that we look forward to collaborating with in the future.

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